I'm very excited to bring you a tale from ancient Egypt inspired by real individuals and events.

Ahmose is a two-volume series taking place during the time of struggle for power in Egypt between the native Egyptian royal line and the Hyksos at the tail end of what is referred to as the Second Intermediate Period and going on to the New Kingdom. This is a period that I myself am particularly interested in with my Egyptology background.
The few Egyptian documents from this period that have survived tell us of the struggle against the Hyksos from the point of view of the Egyptians, particularly of the ruling elite, and their desire to reunite Egypt under Theban rule.
The story follows prince Ahmose, who eventually ascends to the throne following the death of his brother Kamose, and continues the campaign to rid his land of the Hyksos and re-assert his authority.
Concurrently in the Southern town of Nekheb, a young Ahmose, son of Ibana, dreams of following in his father’s footsteps and becoming a soldier in the service of his king. According to the record, he would go on to become a noted warrior that had been rewarded for his valor on numerous occasions.
Much of what we do know about the Egyptian-Hyksos conflict comes from the inscriptions in the tomb of Ahmose Ibana, located in the modern town of El-Kab (Nekheb).

The first book is available now and has been beautifully illustrated by Rully Akbar and coloured by Vittorio Astone.
I hope you enjoy some of the preview art from Book I below.